About me
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lydiazuehsow/
GitHub: https://github.com/lzuehsow
Fluent with
2+ Years Hands-on Experience with
Computer vision (OpenCV, classic kernel algorithms)
ROS & ROS packages
Forward & inverse kinematics (tf, IKFast)
Rigid body simulation (Gazebo & rViz)
SLAM (hector_mapping, gmapping)
AWS (Lambda, DynamoDB, S3, ECR, ECS, IoT, Sagemaker etc.)
Machine learning (tensorflow, YOLO, pandas, NLTK, scikit-learn, Gluon, wrote a CNN from scratch)
Microcontrollers (RaspPi, Arduino, PixHawk)
Drones (building, piloting, writing autonomy software, Ardupilot)
CAD (Solidworks, Inventor, Fusion360)
Rapid Fabrication (Building/using 3D printers, composite layups, mill, lathe, MIG/TIG welding)
Awards & Conferences
International Aerial Robotics Competition- Georgia Tech, 2019
Best Presentation
MakeMIT Hackathon 2019
3rd place overall
Human Robotic Interaction Conference Chicago, 2018
Abstract accepted to Student Design Competition, withdrew on sponsor request
Volunteered and attended conference
HackHarvard Hackathon 2017
Best Financial Hack, awarded by CapitalOne
BS Engineering from Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Ranked #3 for undergraduate engineering programs in the US (1)
3.6 cumulative GPA & 3.65 major GPA: equivalent to an A- in most classes (2)
Director of Clubs and Organizations for 2 years
Managed biannual activities fair, officer trainings, and budget allocation for all student clubs and organizations.
Worked closely with the Program Coordinator and the Office of Student Affairs